Six Degrees of Customisation
Litre Meter supplies a range of flow meters for Oil & Gas applications. For quantity orders, they specialise in customising a range of flowmeters to meet specific customer requirements. A good example of this is flow meters for subsea use, i.e. with the ability to work subsea and transmit a flow signal to the surface. […]
Extending the flow meters calibrated range
It’s not an uncommon request. When the enquiry comes in, our client thinks the require range will be 1 to 10, but once installed, it’s clear it should have been 2 – 20. What do we do then? First step It’s unlikely the range can be extended beyond the flow meter maximum rate flow rate. […]
What is Linearisation?
what is Linearisation, and why do you need it? We take a look into the world of Linearisation and why you need it for your flow measurement solutions. Linearisation is a process that enhances the accuracy of any repeatable flow meter. A standard calibration of our VFF flow meter will involve 10 calibration points. These […]
A history of Subsea flow meters
Over the years’ we at Litre Meter have honed our core subsea flow meters with longevity and easy installation in mind. From our first custom design Pelton Wheel to our VFF range, our Subsea flow meters are manufactured to your design requirements. Read about our Subsea flow meter journey below. Pelton Wheel flow meter – […]
What’s in a typical flow meter datasheet?
A typical datasheet relating to a flowmeter is given as below – this one is based on a NORSOK format: This one is for the same meter but based on an ISA format (a version used by Litre Meter which uses S20.25 as it’s base): Norsok: This is an approximate layout, typified by NORSOK. 1 General 1.01 […]
What’s the best chemical injection flow meter?
Litre Meter VFF rotary piston positive displacement flowmeters have proven to be the foremost solution for chemical injection flow metering applications. They are able to handle the wide range of flows at pressures from a few bar up to 10,000 and 20,000 psi (690 and 1,380 bar) and higher. The FlowPod instrument has been developed after […]